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Where are the sources?
The works in the Internet Classics Archive come from two major sources, an archive of unformatted electronic texts from the Eris Project at Virginia Tech and the Perseus Project from Tufts University. Additional works come from Project Gutenberg and other Internet sites, including James Fieser's Philosophy Text Collection, part of the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy from the University of Tenessee, Martin. The Deeds of the Divine Augustus was provided by Thomas Bushnell, BSG. Except in the case of the works from the Perseus Project, which are provided only as links to that site, all works were processed and reformatted for the archive and are provided directly from this site.
Where can I find untranslated texts?
There are several sources for classical literature texts on the Internet (see the other resources page for a short list), but most of them are in translation. Project Libellus at the University of Washington provides some texts in Latin, in a variety of formats. The Perseus Project provides Greek (and now Latin) versions of many texts.