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On the Articulations

By Hippocrates
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On the Articulations

By Hippocrates

Written 400 B.C.E

Translated by Francis Adams

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Part 56
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There are persons who, from birth or from disease, have dislocations outward of both the thighs; in them, then, the bones are affected in like manner, but the fleshy parts in their case lose their strength less; the legs, too, are plump and fleshy, except that there is some little deficiency at the inside, and they are plump because they have the equal use of both their legs, for in walking they totter equally to this side that. Their nates appear very prominent, from the displacement of the bones of the joint. But if in their case the bones do not sphacelate (become carious?) and if they do not become bent above the hip-joint, if nothing of this kind happen to them, they become otherwise sufficiently healthy, but the growth of all the rest of the body, with the exception of the head, is arrested.

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