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Part 12
If there be pain without inflammation, having roasted red natron, and pounded it to a fine powder, and added alum and roasted salts, finely triturated, mix together in equal proportions; then having mixed it up with the best pitch and spread upon a rag, apply, and bind. Another:-Having pounded the green leaves of capers, put into a bag and bind on the part; and when it appears to burn, take it away and apply it afterward; or, if you have not the leaves of capers, pound the rind of its roots, and having mixed it up with dark-colored wine, bind on the part in the same manner. This is a good application also for pains of the spleen. Of these poultices, those which are cooling, stop the discharge; those which are emollient and heating, discuss; and those which are attractive, dry up and attenuate. This disease is formed when bile and phlegm become seated in the parts. When the anus is inflamed, it should be anointed with the ointment, the ingredients of which are resin, oil, wax, plumbago, and suet, these being all melted and applied quite hot as a cataplasm.THE END