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On Ulcers

By Hippocrates
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On Ulcers

By Hippocrates

Written 400 B.C.E

Translated by Francis Adams

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Part 7
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Another:-Sprinkle (on the sore?) lead finely triturated with the recrement of copper; and sprinkle on it, also, the shavings of lotus, and the scales of copper, and alum, and chalcitis, with copper, both alone, and with the shavings of lotus. And otherwise, when it is wanted to use these in a dry state, do it with the Illyrian spodos triturated with the shavings, and with the shavings alone. And the flowers of silver alone, in the finest powder; and birthwort, when scraped and finely pounded, may be sprinkled on the part. Another, for bloody sores myrrh, frankincense, galls, verdigris the roasted flower of copper, Egyptian alum roasted, vine flowers, grease of wool, plumbago, each of these things is to be diluted, in equal proportions, with wine like the former. And there is another preparation of the same:-The strongest vinegar of a white color, honey, Egyptian alum, the finest natron; having toasted these things gently, pour in a little gall; this cleanses fungous ulcers, renders them hollow, and is not pungent. Another:-The herb with the small leaves, which gets the name of Parthenium parviflorum, and is used for removing thymia (warts?) from the glans penis, alum, chalcitis, a little crude Melian alum (?); sprinkle a little dried elaterium, and a little dried pomegranate rind in like manner.

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