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Pre-formulated Searches
Search for the following names in the online bookstore
Search for the following titles in the online bookstore
Virtues and Vices
Aristotle: Athenian Constitution. Eudemian Ethics. Virtues and Vices. (Loeb Classical Library No. 285)
The Athenian Constitution
Aristotle: Athenian Constitution. Eudemian Ethics. Virtues and Vices. (Loeb Classical Library No. 285)
Categories and De Interpretatione (Clarendon Aristotle Series)
On Dreams
Aristotle: On Sleep & Dreams (Classical Texts Series)
On the Gait of Animals
On The Gait Of Animals
On Generation and Corruption
On Generation And Corruption
On the Heavens
Aristotle: On the Heavens: (Forgotten Books)
The History of Animals
Aristotle : History of Animals, Books I-III (Loeb Classical Library No. 437)
On Interpretation
Aristotle: Categories. On Interpretation. Prior Analytics (Loeb Classical Library No. 325)
On Longevity and Shortness of Life
On Longevity and Shortness of Life
On Memory and Reminiscence
Meteorologica. De Mundo. De Anima. Parva Naturalia. De Spiritu. (The works of Aristotle translated into English under the editorship of J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross, Vol. III)
Aristotle: Metaphysics, Books I-IX (Loeb Classical Library No. 271)
Aristotle: Metaphysics, Books I-IX (Loeb Classical Library No. 271)
On the Motion of Animals
Aristotle's De Motu Animalium
Nicomachean Ethics
The Nicomachean Ethics (Penguin Classics)
On the Parts of Animals
On The Parts Of Animals
Aristotle's Physics: A Guided Study (Masterworks of Discovery)
Poetics (Penguin Classics)
Politics (Dover Thrift Editions)
Posterior Analytics
Posterior Analytics (Clarendon Aristotle Series)
Prior Analytics
Aristotle, Prior Analytics
On Prophesying by Dreams
Short Physical Treatises
On Rhetoric: A Theory of Civic Discourse
On Sense and the Sensible
On Sense And The Sensible
On Sleep and Sleeplessness
Aristotle: On Sleep & Dreams (Classical Texts Series)
On Sophistical Refutations
Categories, On Interpretation, and On Sophistical Refutations
On the Soul
On The Soul
Topics Books I & VIII: With excerpts from related texts (Clarendon Aristotle Series)
On Youth and Old Age, On Life and Death, On Breathing
Aristotle on youth and old age, life and death and respiration